Drones are unmanned flying objects (aircraft or balloons) that have no human pilot on board and can fly autonomously, automatically or under human control in the air. A distinction is made between Unmanned Aircraft/Aerial System (UAS) and Unmanned Aircraft/Aerial Vehicle (UAV). UAS refers to the entire system (drone, controller, parachute, ground station, etc.) required for operation. UAV refers to the unmanned flying object itself, which is in the air during flight.
Professional drones are used to support personnel in their work, to automate work processes and to carry out dangerous activities without endangering human lives. Thanks to their flexibility and rapid deployment, they are already being used in a wide variety of areas: to search for people, to detect the source of fires, to determine damage after a (natural) disaster, to monitor properties, to optimise processes in agriculture and much more.
Drones are generally a very safe piece of equipment to work with. Almost all drones in use today have a safety system that activates in the event of a problem, forcing the drone to land safely before it crashes.
One advantage of drones is their environmental and climate friendliness. Almost all drones are electronically powered by rechargeable batteries. Thus, no fossil fuels are needed for their use, making the operation of drones CO2-neutral. In addition, the use of drones means that fewer trips have to be made with fuel-powered vehicles such as tractors, which significantly reduces fuel consumption and emissions of exhaust gases.
This is regulated by the EU Drone Regulation and the Austrian Aviation Act. According to the Austrian Aviation Act, drones are free to fly in Austrian airspace, unless otherwise stipulated by federal law. Drones are referred to as "unmanned aerial vehicles" in the Aviation Act. We have provided a link to the Aviation Act below:
https://www.ris.bka.gv.at/GeltendeFassung.wxe?Abfrage=Bundesnormen&Gesetzesnummer=10011306 (as of 27.03.2022).
An overview of the EU Drone Regulation can be found here:
This depends on the location, the drone used and the intended use. On the one hand, there are no-fly zones ("No Drone Zones") in Austria where flying is not allowed. For example, flying drones near airports or military installations is strictly prohibited. The no-fly zones can be viewed online at https://map.dronespace.at/
On the other hand, since 31 December 2020, there is a new EU Drone Regulation that uniformly regulates the operation of drones in the EU. The regulation can be read here: https://www.oesterreich.gv.at/themen/dokumente_und_recht/Drohnen/Drohnenkategorien_open_specific_certified.html#CE-Klassen
The majority of drones on the market can fly autonomously. A distinction must be made between automatic and autonomous operation:
Automatic operation = operation of a drone that is carried out with automated processes but allows manual (human) intervention.
Autonomous operation = completely independent operation of the drone, without the possibility of external intervention.
This depends on several factors: the drone used or its design principle (multirotor, fixed-wing, hybrid, balloon, etc.), the payload, the battery/accumulator technology installed/used and the meteorological conditions. Multirotor drones, for example, generally achieve a maximum flight time of 20-25 minutes, but can be launched from virtually anywhere. Fixed-wing drones can generally fly for 50-60 minutes, but usually require larger take-off and landing areas.
The quality of aerial photographs taken with cameras installed or attached to drones is expressed by the Ground Sampling Distance (GSD). In simple terms, the GSD describes the area on the ground that one pixel of an image covers. If an article mentions a pixel size of 10 cm, this usually means that one pixel of the corresponding aerial image covers 10 cm on the ground. The smaller the cm specification, the higher the resolution of the image and the more details of objects can be detected on the image. A description of the GSD and how it is calculated can be found here: https://support.pix4d.com/hc/en-us/articles/202559809-Ground-sampling-distance-GSD-in-photogrammetry
You are looking for an explanation to the abbreviation? Our glossary is your compass through the drone jungle. You are missing something or have remarks? Just drop us a message!
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= Flight altitude above ground;
- the flight altitude of the drone, above a certain point on the ground. Usually given in metres/feet
(Austro Control, 2022)
(Torrence et al., 2021)
(Drone-Zone.de, 2019a
Artificial intelligence leverages computers and machines to mimic the problem-solving and decision-making capabilities of the human mind.
(IBM Cloud Education, 2020)
- a rechargeable storage device for electrical energy to operate the drone
(Dein-Drohnenpilot, 2022)
= Air traffic control/management;
- Air traffic control and management systems
(Torrence et al., 2021)
(Drone-Zone.de, 2019a)
- Any operation of a drone that is carried out with automated processes but allows manual (human) intervention.
(Austro Control, 2022)
- Completely independent operation of the drone, without the possibility of external intervention
(Austro Control, 2022)
- a system that automatically steers the drone during flight operation
(Dein-Drohnenpilot, 2022)
= Operation out of direct line of sight;
- Flight operation of the drone outside the (direct) line of sight of the pilot
(Austro Control, 2022)
(Norton, 2016)
= Drohnen als Service/Dienstleistung
- Die Entwicklung und der Einsatz von drohnengestützten Diensten zur Unterstützung von Branchen aller Art bei der Durchführung von Aufgaben wie zum Beispiel der Bilderfassung, Vermessung oder Veranstaltungsmanagement.
(Bernstein, 2018)
= DHM;
- Generelle englischsprachige Bezeichnung für 2,5D Bilder/Modelle, welche Höheninformationen über die reine Erdoberfläche darstellen
(Gregorius, 2019)
= DTM;
- Generelle deutschsprachige Bezeichnung für ein 2,5D-Bild/Modell, das Informationen über die Höhenlage des Geländes enthält, einschließlich vektorieller Merkmale des natürlichen Geländes, wie Flüsse und Bergrücken
(Gregorius, 2019)
= DEM;
- Generelle deutschsprachige Bezeichnung für 2,5D Bilder/Modelle, welche Höheninformationen über die reine Erdoberfläche darstellen
(Gregorius, 2019)
= unmanned flying object
- an autonomous/automated flying object or human-controlled aircraft.
(Drohnen.de, 2022)
(Drone-Zone.de, 2019a)
= DSM;
- Generelle deutschsprachige Bezeichnung für ein 2,5D Bild/Modell, welches Höheninformationen über das Gelände und aller darauf befindlicher bebauten/künstlichen Objekte beinhält
(Gregorius, 2019)
= DOM;
- Generelle englischsprachige Bezeichnung für ein 2,5D Bild/Modell, welches Höheninformationen über das Gelände und aller darauf befindlicher bebauten/künstlichen Objekte beinhält
(Gregorius, 2019)
= DGM;
- Generelle englischsprachige Bezeichnung für ein 2,5D-Bild/Modell, das Informationen über die Höhenlage des Geländes enthält, einschließlich vektorieller Merkmale des natürlichen Geländes, wie Flüsse und Bergrücken
(Gregorius, 2019)
= Rigid-wing drone/plane-only drone;
- Aircraft-shaped drones that have rigid wings and generate their lift through them.
(Rosanowske, 2022d)
(Drone-Zone.de, 2019b)
= Field of view;
- the angle of view (in degrees) of the drone's built-in or attached camera/sensors.
(Dein-Drohnenpilot, 2022)
(Drone-Zone.de, 2019a)
= first-person perspective;
- Flying a drone from the drone's point of view using a built-in camera or VR (virtual reality) glasses.
(123-Drohnenkurse, 2022)
(Austro Control, 2022)
= Ground points/pass points/reference points;
- Points on the ground with known coordinates that have been previously surveyed
(HOFFMANN et al., 2019)
(Pix4D SA, 2019)
= ground control station;
- a communication device/terminal, for sending/receiving signals from/to the drone to control it or receive position, status and telemetry data.
(Torrence et al., 2021)
(Norton, 2016)
- A mechanical stabiliser that supports a camera and is used to stabilise the captured images from the camera.
(Drone-Zone.de, 2019a)
- Ein GIS ist ein System zur Erfassung, Speicherung, Management, Analyse und Kartenerstellung von verschiedensten Arten von Daten. Dabei verbindet das System aufbereitete Daten mit einer Karte und ergänzt diese um Positionsdaten
(esri, 2022b)
= Global Navigation Satellite System;
- Umbrella term for global satellite-based navigation systems for determining positions on the earth's surface.
(Wolter, 2012)
= Global Positioning System;
- A global navigation satellite system for determining position.
- By means of a GPS sensor, the drone can automatically fly to specific points.
Dein-Drohnenpilot, 2022)
(Torrence et al., 2021)
= ground resolution;
- the theoretically achievable pixel/detail resolution of an image/photograph
(Hassan, 2017)
= Inertial measurement device;
- a sensor system, for measuring the position and acceleration (translational and rotational movements) of the drone/camera in space.
(Drohnen.de, 2021)
(Drone-Zone.de, 2019a)
- eine Technologie, die mit Hilfe von Laserstrahlen, das heißt Licht in Form eines gepulsten Lasers, detaillierte, 3D Informationen über die Beschaffenheit und Oberfläche von vermessenem Gelände und Objekten liefert
(Petit, 2020)
= maximum permissible take-off mass/maximum take-off weight;
- Maximum take-off weight allowed by the drone manufacturer, including payload and fuel, with which the drone may be put into operation.
(Austro Control, 2022)
(Torrence et al., 2021)
(Drone-Zone.de, 2019a)
- an unmanned aircraft capable of generating its flight power by means of at least two rotors/propellers
(Dein-Drohnenpilot, 2022)
(Drone-Zone.de, 2019b)
= Fußpunkt
- Der Punkt auf der Erdoberfläche, der dem Zenit genau gegenüberliegt. In der Luftfotografie beschreibt dies den Punkt auf dem Boden, der sich vertikal unter dem (perspektivischen) Mittelpunkt des Kameraobjektivs befindet
(esri, 2022a)
= Message to pilots/airmen;
- Messages/orders to aviation participants drawing attention to changes in airspace in order to preserve the safety of air traffic.
(Torrence et al., 2021)
(Drone-Zone.de, 2019a)
= Schrägaufnahmen
- In der Luftbildfotografie bezeichnet dies Schrägaufnahmen, die die beobachtete Szene auf der Erdoberfläche in einem geneigten/schrägen Kamerawinkel aufnehmen
(GIM International, 2014)
= Payload;
- any instruments, equipment, accessories and optional parts not used to operate/control the drone;
- How much additional weight the drone can carry
(Austro Control, 2022)
(Drone-Zone.de, 2019a)
- die Gesamtheit der Verfahren und Geräte zur Gewinnung, Verarbeitung und Speicherung vor allem geometrischer Informationen (Form, Größe, Lage usw.) über Objekte und Prozesse aus Bildern
(Spektrum Akademischer Verlag, Heidelberg, n.d.)
= Pilot(s) in charge;
- Pilot(s) responsible for the safe operation of the drone.
(Torrence et al., 2021)
(Norton, 2016)
= pitch; tilt in the direction of flight;
- the angle/pitch of the drone propeller in inches
- provides for the inclination of the drone in or against the direction of flight
(Drone-Zone.de, 2019a)
(FPVracing.ch, 2018)
= Point of interest;
- An object, place or person that is kept in focus by the drone camera while flying
(Rosanowske, 2022a)
(Drone-Zone.de, 2019a)
= pixel;
- is a single colour value of a digitally generated raster graphic
(Torrence et al., 2021)
(Schuster, 2019)
= Roll; Tilt sideways;
- the control axis that allows the drone to tilt left or right
(Drone-Zone.de, 2019a)
(FPVracing.ch, 2018)
= Remotely piloted aviation system;
- A system, including an unmanned aircraft, which cannot be operated independently but must be controlled.
(Rosanowske, 2022b)
(Torrence et al., 2021)
= real-time kinematics;
- a georeferencing technique in which the positional accuracy of an object is to be improved by real-time corrections using data from a reference/base station.
(Microdrone, 2022)
= Sencse and avoid;
- Measures, such as sensors in/on the aircraft, to detect and avoid obstacles in air traffic.
(Rosanowske, 2022c)
(Torrence et al., 2021)
= Small unmanned aerial vehicle;
- an unmanned aerial object that, depending on the legal regulations, may be used for commercial applications, e.g. less than 25kg in the USA according to the FAA.
(Microdrone, 2022)
(Torrence et al., 2021)
(Norton, 2016)
- Drone operating data (battery level, altitude, speed, temperature, etc.) sent from the drone to the pilot
(Drone-Zone.de, 2019a)
= unmanned aerial vehicle system;
- Term covering all necessary components for automatic/autonomous operation of the drone (aircraft, ground station, controller, etc.)
(Austro Control, 2022)
(Drone-Zone.de, 2019b)
(Norton, 2016)
= unmanned aerial vehicle
- an unmanned aircraft or balloon that has no human operator on board and is capable of remotely piloted or autonomously programmed flight.
(Austro Control, 2022)
(Drone-Zone.de, 2019b)
= UAV traffic management;
- a system for integrating drones into controlled airspace
(Drone-Zone.de, 2019)
= Operation in direct line of sight;
- Flight operation of the drone with direct line-of-sight between the pilot and the drone.
(Austro Control, 2022)
(Torrence et al., 2021)
(Norton, 2016)
= Visual flight observer;
- a person who assists the drone pilot by observing and pointing out other air traffic or objects in the air and on the ground.
(Legal Information Institute, 2021)
(Torrence et al., 2021)
= Vertical take-off and landing;
- describes the vertical take-off and landing of drones
(Drone-Zone.de, 2019b)
= yaw; rotation around the z-axis;
- the control axis/high axis that makes the drone rotate around its own axis
(Drone-Zone.de, 2019a)
(FPVracing.ch, 2018)
123-Drohnenkurse. (2022). Drohnenpilot Ausbildung - Abkürzungen / Fachbegriffe. 123-Drohnenkurse. Aufgerufen am 21. März 2022 von https://www.123-drohnenkurse.ch/pages/topics/abkuerzungen-fachbegriffe.php.
Austro Control. (2022). Wichtige Definitionen und Begriffe – Dronespace – Online-Kurs. Austro Control. Aufgerufen am 21. März 2022 von https://online-kurs.dronespace.at/online-kurs/lehrmaterial/wichtige-definitionen-und-begriffe/.
Bernstein, C. (2018). drone services (UAV services). TechTarget. Aufgerufen am 16. November 2022 von https://www.techtarget.com/iotagenda/definition/drone-services-UAV-services
Dein-Drohnenpilot. (2022). Drohnen-Lexikon - Dein-Drohnenpilot. Dein-Drohnenpilot. Aufgerufen am 21. März 2022 von https://www.dein-drohnenpilot.de/drohnen-lexikon/.
Drohnen.de. (2022). Was sind Drohnen? | Drohnen und Technik. Drohnen.de. Aufgerufen am 21. März 2022 von https://www.drohnen.de/was-sind-drohnen/
Drohnen.de. (2021). Was ist ein Gimbal (Bildstabilisierung)? | Drohnen und Technik. Drohnen.de. Aufgerufen am 21. März 2022 von https://www.drohnen.de/4602/was-ist-ein-gimbal-bildstabilisierung/.
Drone-Zone.de. (2019a). Wissen: Die wichtigsten Drohnen-Begriffe und Abkürzungen. Drone-Zone.de. Aufgerufen am 21. März 2022 von https://www.drone-zone.de/wissen-die-wichtigsten-drohnen-begriffe-und-abkuerzungen/.
Drone-Zone.de. (2019b). Wissen: Was genau ist eine Drohne? - Drone-Zone.de. Drone-Zone.de. Aufgerufen am 21. März 2022 von https://www.drone-zone.de/wissen-was-genau-ist-eine-drohne/.
esri. (2022a). GIS-Wörterbuch. ESRI Inc. Aufgerufen am 16. November 2022 von https://support.esri.com/de/other-resources/gis-dictionary/term/10a97e08-c92c-4ab5-8cb9-eec060551823
esri. (2022b). Was ist GIS? ESRI Inc. Aufgerufen am 16. November 2022 von https://www.esri.com/de-de/what-is-gis/overview
FPVracing.ch. (2018). Grundsätzliche Funktion von Quadrocopter - FPVracing.ch. FPVracing.ch. Aufgerufen am 21. März 2022 von https://fpvracing.ch/de/content/7-grundsatzliche-funktion-quadrocopter-multicopter.
GIM International. (2014). Oblique Airborne Photogrammetry (1). Geomares. Aufgerufen am 16. November 2022 von https://www.gim-international.com/content/article/oblique-airborne-photogrammetry
Gregorius, B. (2019). DEM, DSM & DTM: Digital Elevation Model – Why It’s Important. AEVEX Aerospace. Aufgerufen am 15. November 2022 von https://geodetics.com/dem-dsm-dtm-digital-elevation-models/
Hassan, A. (2017). Unmanned Aerial Vehicles 2017 (UAV 2017) (86th ed., pp. 52-53). DVW – Gesellschaft für Geodäsie, Geoinformation und Landmanagement e.V., Stuttgart, Deutschland, ISBN: 978-3-95786-107-8
Hoffmann, M., Dolleschal, T., & Strauss, A. (2019). Anlageninspektion und RISK-MONitoring mit Hochleistungs- drohnen (UAS/UAV). Bundesministerium für Verkehr, Innovation und Technologie. Aufgerufen am 21. März 2022 von https://projekte.ffg.at/anhang/5e15d8c429968_RISKMON_Ergebnisbericht_Optimized200dpi.pdf.
IBM Cloud Education. (2020). Artificial Intelligence (AI). IBM. Aufgerufen am 16. November 2022 von https://www.ibm.com/cloud/learn/what-is-artificial-intelligence
Legal Information Institute. (2021). 14 CFR § 107.3 - Definitions. Legal Information Institute. Aufgerufen am 21. März 2022 von https://www.law.cornell.edu/cfr/text/14/107.3.
Microdrones. (2022). GLOSSAR: MICRODRONES von A bis Z. Microdrones®. Aufgerufen am 21. März 2022 von https://www.microdrones.com/de/sonstiges/glossar/.
Norton, T. L. (2016). Staffing for Unmanned Aircraft Systems (UAS) Operations (pp. 3-4). Institute for Defense Analyses. IDA Paper P-5253. Log: H 15-000499. Aufgerufen am 21. März 2022 von https://prhome.defense.gov/Portals/52/Documents/MRA_Docs/TFM/Reports/F2108340_TFMR-Staffing%20for%20Unmanned%20Aircraft%20Systems%20(UAS)%20Operations-ForPIIWork-DM.pdf
Petit, F. (2020). Entmystifizierung von LiDAR – Ein Überblick über die LiDAR-Technologie. Blickfeld GmbH. Aufgerufen am 16. November 2022 von https://www.blickfeld.com/de/blog/was-ist-lidar/
Pix4D SA. (2019). Passpunkte: Warum sind sie so wichtig?. Pix4D SA. Aufgerufen am 21. März 2022 von https://www.pix4d.com/de/blog/warum-passpunkte-wichtig-sind#GCPs.
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Rosanowske, G. (2022b). RPAS - Lexikon zur Drohnenversicherung und Betrieb von Drohnen. Versicherungsmakler Rosanowske GmbH & Co. KG. Aufgerufen am 21. März 2022 von https://www.drohnen-versicherung.com/lexikon/RPAS/.
Rosanowske, G. (2022c). Sense and Avoid Technology - Lexikon zur Drohnenversicherung und Betrieb von Drohnen. Versicherungsmakler Rosanowske GmbH & Co. KG. Aufgerufen am 21. März 2022 von https://www.drohnen-versicherung.com/lexikon/Sense+and+Avoid+Technology/.
Rosanowske, G. (2022d). Starrflügler - Lexikon zur Drohnenversicherung und Betrieb von Drohnen. Versicherungsmakler Rosanowske GmbH & Co. KG. Aufgerufen am 21. März 2022 von https://www.drohnen-versicherung.com/lexikon/Starrfl%C3%BCgler/.
Spektrum Akademischer Verlag, Heidelberg. (n.d.). Photogrammetrie. Spektrum Akademischer Verlag, Heidelberg. Aufgerufen am 15. November 2022 von https://www.spektrum.de/lexikon/geowissenschaften/photogrammetrie/12220
Torrence, B., Nelson, B., Thomas, G., Nesmith, B., & Williams, K. (2021). Annotated Bibliography (1990 – 2019): Knowledge, Skills, and Tests for Unmanned Aircraft Systems (UAS) Air Carrier Operations. Washington, DC: United States. Department of Transportation. Federal Aviation Administration. Office of Aviation. Civil Aerospace Medical Institute. Report Number: DOT/FAA/AM-21/14. Aufgerufen am 21. März 2022 von https://rosap.ntl.bts.gov/view/dot/57233
Wolter, K. (2012). Unmanned Aircraft Systems in der Geoinformatik: Eine Untersuchung zur Genauigkeit (Master of Science). Paris Lodron-Universität Salzburg. Aufgerufen am 21. März 2022 von http://unigis.sbg.ac.at/files/Mastertheses/Full/1479.pdf